Compassionate Pet Boarding Project

Victoria Women’s Transition House is excited to launch a Compassionate Pet Boarding Project for the pets of women and children fleeing intimate partner violence and abuse. While we know that there is a link between intimate partner abuse and animal abuse, VWTH does not have the means to house companion animals at our Emergency Shelter. This leaves many women facing the difficult decision to either leave their pets behind or remain in the abusive environment. Sadly, many victims stay in an abusive home for fear of subjecting their pets to continued abuse if left behind. Equally disturbing, animals are often left with their abusers to face torture or even death.

Women in an abusive home with pets may not leave their abuser because:

  1. They often cannot take their pet into a shelter with them and their children
  2. They worry for their pet’s safety if they proceed to a shelter and leave their pet in an abusive home
  3. Knowing a woman’s concern for the pet, an abusive partner may use this against her – threatening or abusing the animal directly

VWTH wants to eliminate as many barriers as possible to help women to make change in their lives and to leave an abusive partner. To help with this, we have launched the VWTH Compassionate Pet Boarding Project in partnership with our local SPCA.

To support this initiative, you can make an online donation or call our Community Office at 250-592-2927.

Christmas Hamper Program

Are you looking for ways to spread some cheer this Holiday Season?

Every year, Victoria Women’s Transition House organizes the VWTH Christmas Hamper Program. This initiative gives women, with or without children, who have accessed our services in the past year, the opportunity to create a wish list of items that will help give them comfort and joy during the Holidays.

Sign up to be a Hamper Donor and we will match you, your company or group, with a VWTH client family or individual. Our clients include single women, single moms of young children or teenagers and older women.

Click HERE to learn more about this initiative.